Senior Move Manager Certified - SMM~C Three Year Renewal
Please complete this form and submit. Upon submission, you will be taken to the online payment form to complete your renewal.
Requirements for renewal:
- Complete the NASMM SMM-C Renewal Form & upload your CE coursework documents
- For Certification Renewals: Provide proof of 45 hours of continuing education credit over the past three (3) years. NASMM programs, education offered by NAPO, ICD, and other allied organizations, aging service providers, or staff inservice education is also acceptable. Please upload verification of attendance forms (certificates, etc.) or receipts from purchased courses or conferences to the renewal form.
- Submit the $299 three (3) year renewal fee
*** Beginning January 1, 2024 and thereafter, 25 units of the 45 required CE units must be obtained directly from NASMM conferences or other NASMM courses.
*** There is a 3-year window for ALL courses (NASMM courses & education programs outside of NASMM) to be considered eligible for certification documentation.
That is, your submitted documentation (proof) to support your certification renewal must fall within the last 3-year period, e.g. you may not submit coursework from the NASMM 2020 conference in 2024. In 2024, all documentation must be from 2021 & forward. Thank you!